Unit 1 Traveling Around the World
Section I Interpretation from English into Chinese
Passage 1: World Heritage Sites in China
Passage 2: Chinese New Year: Tradition in Change
Passage 3: Australia
Passage 4: Famous Tourist Cities in China
Passage 5: Chongqing and the Three Gorges
Passage 6: Chinese Cuisine
Section II Interpretation from Chinese into English
选文 1: 辉煌的大足石刻
选文 2: 来华旅游指南
选文 3: 香港——魅力永存
选文 4: 京剧脸谱艺术
选文 5: 加拿大旅游
Unit 2 Education, Literature, Music, Art & Sports
Section I Interpretation from English into Chinese
Passage 1: A Classroom in America
Passage 2: British Education
Passage 3: Ebook for Sale Online
Passage 4: Story of a Singer
Passage 5: English and Internet
Passage 6: A New Idea about Job
Passage 7: Referees May Go Online
Passage 8: African Soccer—In Search of Team Spirit
Section II Interpretation from Chinese into English
选文1: 中国教育的指导思想
选文2: 面向所有学生的双语课堂
选文3: 中美青少年交换项目
选文4: 戏剧
选文5: 鲁迅(1881—1936)
选文6: 孔子文化节
选文7: 中国大熊猫
选文8: 上海虹口足球场
选文9: 少数民族传统体育
Unit 3 Economy, Trade & Laws
Section I Interpretation from English into Chinese
Passage 1: Talk On Business Terms
Passage 2: Marketing
Passage 3: A Pleasant Cooperation
Passage 4: Electronic Banking
Passage 5: International Banking Facilities for New York
Passage 6: New Development at the International Monetary Fund
Passage 7: Making A Will
Passage 8: Terms & Contract of Uniform Straight Bill of Lading
Section II Interpretation from Chinese into English
选文1: 贸易谈判
选文2: 讨论保险
选文3: 合资企业
选文4: 万事达国际组织
选文5: 香港证券交易所
选文6: 中国加入世界贸易组织
选文7: 与中国对外贸易经济合作部副部长的访谈
Unit 4 International Politics & Diplomatic Relations
Section I Interpretation from English into Chinese
Passage 1: US President Election in 2000
Passage 2: NorthSouth Conflict
Passage 3: President George W. Bush’s Inaugural Address
Passage 4: US Military Aid Program for Israel
Passage 5: An Interview with President Clinton
Passage 6: Peace and Disarmament
Section II Interpretation from Chinese into English
选文1: 台湾,朝鲜半岛以及阿拉伯问题
选文2: 第三届亚欧会议
选文3: 唐家璇在联合国千年首脑会议上的发言(节选)
选文4: 中俄总理级第五次定期会议
选文5: 外交部新闻发布会(节选)
选文6: 亚太经合组织领导人反恐声明
Keys for Reference