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  1)  本书打破传统的词汇记忆方式,将枯燥的考研词汇编进生动的故事,阅读文章的同时记单词,语境记忆,快速高效。
  2)  全书收词齐全,涵盖考研英语中的重点词汇,短语、动词搭配紧扣考点,派生词帮助扩大单词记忆存储量。
  3)  每篇文章均配有准确流畅的中文译文,帮助考生加深对文章的理解。
  4)  故事长度等同于考研阅读文章,可作为考研阅读理解的辅助材料,阅读能力和词汇能力同步提高。



     1998 年荣获北京市第五届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖;2005年9月荣获教育部中国成人教育协会和陈香梅教科文奖办公室联合颁发的“中国民办教育创新与发展论坛暨陈香梅教科文奖表彰活动特殊贡献奖”;2008 年荣获“改革开放三十年北京教育功勋人物奖”;2009 年英国文化协会授予其全球“雅思考试20年20人”杰出贡献奖;2009年荣获品牌中国(教育行业)年度人物大奖。




  1. The Time of Lincoln
  abandon → account
  Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory, a top-hat, but Lincoln’s absolute most important contribution to America’s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held all of the universities and military academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it.
  The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because, in most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “All men are created equal”. These reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men, from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers.
  The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S. Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the country during this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln’s life came to an abrupt end while he was watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth.
  Not long after Lincoln’s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society.
  亚伯拉罕· 林肯是美国第16 届总统。关于他的很多事情至今还留在人们的记忆里,其中包括他的小木屋、看上去滑稽的衣服饰物以及他的高帽子。但林肯对美国历史绝对重要的贡献在于他废除了奴隶制,这是当时极难完成的使命。19 世纪中叶,美国被一条抽象的分界线割裂开,国家被分成两部分:南方和北方。造成这种不正常划分的是南北之间诸多的差异。例如,北方囊括了所有的大学和军事院校,但在南方,人们进入这些机构的机会是很有限的;还有,北方人说英语很标准,而南方人说话却带地方口音。但当时存在于南北之间的最大分歧则来源于奴隶制以及随之而来的方方面面的问题。
  内战中,战场上双方英雄辈出,例如,U.S. 格兰特,谢尔曼将军和受人拥戴的南方将军罗伯特E· 李。所有这些人浴血奋战,为了各自的利益作出了痛苦的决定。但提到林肯,人们联想最多的可能是他领导国家度过了那个艰难时期。他坚定地认为奴隶制是腐朽的,要武力推翻它。1863 年,林肯签署了《废除奴隶制宣言》,从法律上赋予所有生活在美国的奴隶以自由。但1865 年,林肯在华盛顿特区的福特剧院观看演出时,突然遇难。他的去世并非意外,他被一个叫约翰· 威尔克斯· 布思的人所暗杀。
  abandon [E5bAndEn] v. 放弃;抛弃  ~ oneself 放纵;使沉溺于
  abandoned [E5bAndEnd] a. 被放弃的;被遗弃的;无约束的;狂放的
  abandonment [E5bAndEnmEnt] n. 放弃;遗弃;放纵  sing in a spirit of utter ~引吭高歌
  abide [E5baid] v. (abode 或abided) 容忍;忍住;居住;继续存在  ~ by 遵守(法律、决定等);信守(诺言等)
  abidance [E5baidEns] n. 遵守;持续;居住(in)
  abiding [E5baidiN] a. 持久不变的;永久的
  abnormal [Ab5nC:mEl] a. 反常的,变态的;畸形的
  abnormality [7AbnC:5mAlEti] n. 反常;变态;畸形
  abolish [E5bCliF] v. 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等);完全破坏
  abolition [7AbEu5liFEn] n.(法律、习俗、死刑等的)废除,废止,消灭~ of war 消灭战争
  abolitionism [7AbEu5liFEnizEm] n. 废除主义;废(除黑)奴主义
  abolitionist [7AbEu5liFEnist] n. 废除主义者;主张废除死刑者;废奴主义者
  abound [E5baund] v. 大量存在;富足 (in);充足,充满,多产(with)
  abrupt [E5brQpt] a. 突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的
  abruption [E5brQpFEn] n. 突然的断裂(或分裂)
  absolutely [5AbsElu:tli] ad. 完全地,非常;肯定地;绝对地
  absolute [5AbsElu:t] a. 纯粹的,完全的;地道的,十足的;不受任何限制(或约束)的;基本的
  absorb [Eb5sC:b] v. 吸引;吸收;占去(时间、注意力等);承受,忍受  be ~ed in 专心于
  absorbent [Eb5sC:bEnt] a. = absorbant 能吸收(水、光、热等)的
  absorbing [Eb5sC:biN] a. 极有趣的;吸引人的
  absorption [Eb5sC:pFEn] n. 吸引,吸收过程;专心致志;合并
  abstract [5AbstrAkt,Ab5strAkt] a. 抽象的
  [5AbstrAkt] n.(书、文、案情等的)摘要,梗概
  [Ab5strAkt] v. 提取,抽取
  abstraction [Ab5strAkFEn] n. 抽象;抽象概念(名称);提取,抽取
  abstractive [Ab5strAktiv] a. 具有抽象能力的;抽象性质的
  absurd [Eb5sE:d] a. 荒谬的,荒唐的;滑稽可笑的
  absurdism [Eb5sE:dizEm] n. 荒诞主义;荒诞描写
  absurdity [Eb5sE:diti] n. 荒谬,荒唐,荒诞;荒诞(或怪诞)的言行
  abundance [E5bQndEns] n. 大量,丰富;富有,富裕
  abundant [E5bQndEnt] a. 大量的,充足的;丰富的,富裕的 (in)
  abuse [E5bju:s] n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 [E5bju:z] v. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
  abusive [E5bju:siv] a. 满口脏话的,恶言谩骂的;虐待的;被滥用(或妄用)的
  academy [E5kAdEmi] n. 学院,大学,研究院
  academic [7AkE5demik] a. 学院的;学术的;纯理论的,学究式的
  accelerated [Ek5selEreitid] a. 加快的;提早的
  accelerate [Ek5selEreit] v. 加速,增速;促进;增长,增加
  accent [5AksEnt] n. 重音;口音,腔调  speak with an ~ (without ~) 说话带口音(不带口音)
  accentual [Ak5sentjuEl] a. 重音的,由重音构成的
  accentuate [Ak5sentjueit] v. 使更明显;使更严重
  access [5Akses] n. 接近(或进入)的机会;享用机会;接近,进入;入口,通道  gain ~ to 获得接近(通向)的机会  have ~ to 有机会接近  give sb. ~ to 提供某人接近(进入)的机会  easy of ~易于接近  difficult of ~难以接近


1. The Time of Lincoln 林肯时代
2. Mike — a Story of Personal Change 迈克自我转变的故事
3. Salt 盐
4. Freshman Year 大学一年级
5. Story of the Vikings 北欧海盗的故事
6. The Young Police Chief 年轻的警长
7. Accident on Elm Street 榆树街上的交通事故
8. The Fishing Trip 钓鱼去
9. Story of a Criminal Who Became Good 改邪归正
10. The Ultimate Blunder 大错特错
11. The Challenges of Racing 赛车的挑战
12. Hannibal Changes His Career 汉尼拔改行
13. The Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件
14. The Football Game 橄榄球比赛
15. Mei’s Contest with Shyness 梅不再羞怯
16. Billy Goes to School 比利上学
17. The Girl in the Tree 树上的女孩
18. Professor Debt 教授欠债
19. The Cruise 乘船游览
20. Celia under the Weather 西莉亚身体不适
21. My Paper Route 我的送报历程
22. Army Drill Sergeant 陆军训练官
23. Focus on Relationships 婚姻重在维护
24. Billy Pays a Call 比利访亲
25. Crossing the Ocean (Mayflower) 五月花飘洋过海
26. Strange Mountain 奇怪的山
27. Ups and Downs 十年河东 十年河西
28. Fashion Show 时装表演
29. May Day 五朔节
30. A Conversation with a Wise Old Man 与年长智者的对话
31. Jet’s Big Race 杰特的重大比赛
32. A Film Crew Comes to the Village 电影剧组到村里来了
33. The Fox and the Crane 狐狸与鹤
34. The School Bully 学校里横行霸道的人
35. Lost in the Jungle in Vietnam 在越南丛林里迷路
36. Illustrations 插图
37. Louis Pasteur 路易 巴斯德
38. Studying Abroad 出国留学
39. Real Life Detectives 现实生活中的侦探
40. To Let 出租41. Early Astronomy 早期天文学
42. My First Job 我的第一份工作
43. Wei’s Migration Decision 卫的移民决定
44. Swimmers 游泳的人
45. Hellen Keller 海伦 凯勒
46. A Field Trip to an Ornament Factory 去饰品厂实地考察
47. Max and Sam’s Camping Trip 马克斯和萨姆的野营旅行
48. Marathon 马拉松
49. Dancing Shoes 舞鞋
50. War Hero Grandfather 爷爷是战争英雄
51. Star Advice 明星的建议
52. The Big Match 大型比赛
53. Finding a New Job 找到新工作
54. Wild West 未开垦的西部
55. A Global Problem 一个全球性问题
56. Cookies 曲奇饼干
57. The Emperor’s New Clothes 皇帝的新装
58. Trip to the Museum 参观博物馆
59. The Computer That Argued Back 进行反击的电脑
60. A Small Riot 小骚乱
61. My Grandmother’s Stories 奶奶的故事
62. My New Computer 我的新电脑
63. Woollen Worries 剪羊毛工的烦恼
64. Fishing 钓鱼65. Halloween 万圣节前夕
66. Anatomy Field Trip 解剖学实地考察
67. A Bum Deal 流浪汉倾囊相助
68. A Visit to Shaolin 参观少林
69. The Paralympic Games 残疾人奥林匹克运动会
70. My First Date 我的第一次约会
71. Never Tease Bees 千万别惹蜜蜂
72. Football? 足球?
73. One Silver Dollar 一元银币
74. Go Water Skiing 去滑水
75. The Thinker 思想家
76. Piano Lessons 钢琴课
77. The First American Woman in Space 美国第一位女宇航员
78. Tennis Racket 网坛骗局
79. AVALANCHE! 雪崩!
80. Hard Labor 苦力
81. The Missing Cat 失踪的猫

