1. What Is Economics<br>2. To Satisfy Human Wants by Using Economic Resources<br>3. Types of Economic Systems<br>4. Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes<br>5. Opportunity Costs and Marginal Costs<br>6. Sources of High Productivity<br>7. Perfect Competition & Monopolistic Competition<br>8. The Characteristics of Monopoly<br>9. The Characteristics of Oligopoly<br>10. The Concept of Aggregrate Supply and Aggregate Demand <br>11. The Consumption, Saving, Investment Relationship<br>12. Employment and Unemployment<br>13. What Is Full Employment<br>14. The Nature of Inflation<br>15. Demand-pull Inflation and Cost-push Inflation<br>16. The Role of Govemment<br>17. Sources of Government Revenues<br>18. Money and Its Functions<br>19. Balance of Payments<br>20. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rate<br>21. Foreign Exchange Market<br>22. Exchange Rate Determination<br>23. The Intemational Monetary System<br>24. The Money Market<br>25. Tools of Monetary Policy<br>26. The Structure of Financial Markets<br>27. The International Monetary Fund<br>28. Introduction to International Trade<br>29. The Advantage of International Trade <br>30. European Economic Community<br>31. Trade Tenns<br>32. Barriers to International Trade<br>33. Technology Transfer<br>34. Business Internet<br>35. Futures Trading<br>36. Business Negotiation<br>37. Contract<br>38. Letter of Credit<br>39. Bill of Exchange<br>40. Bill of Lading<br>41. Marine Insurance<br>42. Lloyds<br>43. Commodity Inspection<br>44. Transportation<br>45. Arbitration<br>46. Advertising<br>47. Multinational Corporations<br>48. The World TradeOrganization<br>49. Tenders<br>50. What Is Marketing