The new rules will cut import tariffs on automo- biles to 25 percent by mid-2006 from the present 80-100 percent, under the U.S. agreement. The rules require China to lift all restrictions on catego- b ry, type and model of vehicles produced in Sino- EU joint -ventures within two years.
China plans to cut import tariffs to 60 -80 per- cent in the next two years as the first step in duty cuts. The domestic auto industry is expected to be one of the most affected sectors. Cheaper imports could also affect foreign auto joint ventures, such as Shanghai General Motors and Shanghai Volk- swagen. Domestic automakers also face competi- tion from a sharp rise in car and auto parts im- ports, encouraged by steep cuts in tariffs.
Foreign banks will be allowed to conduct do- mestic yuan currency business with Chinese firms two years after WTO accession and with Chinese individuals five years after accession, the U.S.
deal says, geographic restrictions will be lifted after five years.
Foreign banks will make inroads in yuan busi- ness in major cities like Shanghai and Beijing, bJ will not pose an immediate threat to the Big Four state banks, which have vast branch networks and a market share of more than 70 percent. Domestic banks will lose staff to foreign rivals. Smaller com- mercial banks may bear the brunt of competition. The new rules have pushed the banking sector to expand services, create cooperative pacts, list on the stock market, get rid of bad debts and merge ith other banks to cope with the challenges of for- eign competition.
Financial Securities
The new rules will permit minority foreign- owned joint ventures to engage in fund manage- ment on the same terms as Chinese firms. Three years after accession, foreign firms will be allowed
49 percent stakes in joint ventures.
Young domestic brokerages are seeking part- nerships with foreign securities houses to make use of their expertise and capital strength. China Inter- national Capital Corp., a joint venture investment bank of China Construction Bank and Morgan Stan- ley Dean Witter, is expected to fare well in under- writing domestic and overseas share offerings and other investment banking services. Already, foreign fund managers are linking up with domestic firms, providing foreign know-how for running mutual funds, a first step towards setting up joint venture fund management companies in China.
The new rules will limit foreign stakes to 50 percent. The EU has said the insurance market would be opened two years earlier than outlined in the U.S. agreement. The U.S. deal calls for Bei- jing to phase out geographical restrictions in three years, to allow foreign insurers into group, health and pensions over five years, and permit wholly owned non-life subsidiaries in two years. Foreign insurers are now largely restricted to Shanghai and
European insurers, offered seven new busi- ness licenses, are the big winners. Two of the li- censes have been issued. Domestic insurers, no~ enjoying a 99 percent market share, will face strong competition from foreign firms. China has granted licenses to 16 foreign insurers, including five U.S. firms and seven from Europe. Some U.S. Insurers, such as American International Group, hold more than one license.
Under the new rules, duties for agricultural products will fall from 22 percent to 17.5 percent for most countries. The new rules will cut import tariffs on products such as cooking oil, butter, or- anges and wine from the present 25 to 85 percent to 9 to 18 percent.
China has already accepted the first shipments of U.S. pork and beef. China s producers will face major challenges because tariff cuts and freer im- port quotas will mean domestic grains like corn and soybeans must compete with higher quality im- ports. Cheaper meat imports will threaten the local livestock industry.