1 Introducing the universe
1.1 Cosmic inventory
1.2 The great questions
2 Matter.radiation and forces
2.1 A microscopic tour
2.2 Forces of nature
2.3 Building blocks of matter
2.4 Radiation:packets of light
2.5 Interaction of matter and light
3 Observing the universe
3.1 The cosmic rainboW
3.2 Seeing is believing
3.3 Heat in the sky
3.4 Music of the heavens
3.5 The cosmic tan
3.6 X-raying the universe
3.7 Gamma—ray astronomy
4 Getting to know the universe
4.1 Stars:Nature’S nuclear plants
4.2 Story of a star
4.3 Supernovae:the violent end
4.4 Neutron stars and pulsars
4.5 Black holes
4.6 Galaxies
4.7 The Milky Way——our home
4.8 Groups and clusters of galaxies
5 The expanding universe
5.1 Expansion of the universe
5.2 The universe has a past!
5.3 Dark matter:weight without light
5.4 The very early universe
5.5 The quantum universe:science of genesis