List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 The context of this study
1.1.1 Background of the researcher
1.1.2 Research context and rationale
1.2 Aims of the thesis
1.3 Layout of this thesis
Chapter 2: Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
2.1 Chapter overview
2.2 Terminologies: Language Planning and Language Policy
2.2.1 Language Planning
2.2.2 Language Policy
2.3 Frameworks for language planning
2.4 Language planning and policy in Cambodia since(the Constitutional Monarchy Period)
2.5 A brief review of the history of Chinese language education in Cambodia
2.6 The changes of Chinese identity and Chinese language education in Cambodia: forming, struggling, fading and rebirth
2.6.1 The forming of Chinese identity and the early Chinese education in Cambodia
2.6.2 The struggling of Chinese identity and the restrictions on Chinese education from World War II to the Cambodian pre-civil war
2.6.3 The concealment of Chinese identity and the fading of Chinese education during the Cambodian civil war
2.6.4 The rebirth of Chinese identity and the revitalization of Chinese language education since 1990s
2.6.5 Conclusion
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3: Language-in-education Planning (LEP)
3.1 Chapter overview
3.2 Language-in-education Planning (LEP): Educational change in language planning
3.2.1 Terminology
3.2.2 Kaplan and Baldauf's Language-in-education Planning Framework
3.3 The status quo of Mandarin Chinese education in Cambodia
3.4 The debate about Heritage Language Education (HLE) and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL)
3.5 Research on Mandarin Chinese education planning in Southeast Asia: Large-scale surveys and Small-scale case studies
3.5.1 Large-scale studies
3.5.2 Small-scale studies
3.5.3 Summary of relevant research
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4: Policy intention and teachers' beliefs
4.1 Chapter overview
4.2 Policy intention and implementation
4.3 Teachers' beliefs
4.3.1 Definitions
4.3.2 Factors may influence teachers' beliefs
4.4 Mandarin Chinese teachers' pedagogical beliefs and professional development
4.4.1 Research on TCSOL teachers of China
4.4.2 Research on indigenous Chinese language teachers in Southeast Asian countries
4.5 Summary
4.6 Overall summary of literature
Chapter 5: Methodology
5.1 Chapter overview
5.2 Research questions
5.3 Theoretical framework of this study
5.3.1 Epistemology: Constructionism
5.3.2 Theoretical perspective: Interpretivism
5.3.3 Research paradigm: Qualitative
5.4 Research methodology: case study
5.4.1 Rationale for using case study in this research
5.4.2 Multiple case studies in this research
5.5 Researcher's positionality and reflexivity in this study
5.6 Data collection
5.6.1 The phase of preparation
5.6.2 Pilot
5.6.3 Main research-fieldwork
5.7 Data analysis
5.7.1 Data management
5.7.2 Document analysis
5.7.3 Thematic analysis
5.8 Ethics
5.9 Trustworthiness
5.9.1 Credibility
5.9.2 Transferability
5.9.3 Dependability
5.9.4 Confirmability
5.10 Summary
Chapter 6: Results Part One- Introduction of Profiles
6.1 Chapter overview
6.2 Profiles of the participating Chinese schools
6.2.1 Case study one-School X
6.2.2 Case study two-School Y
6.2.3 Conclusion of school profiles
6.3 Profiles of the participants in the interview of this study
6.3.1 Profiles of policymakers Profiles of Mandarin Chinese teachers
6.4 Profiles of the participants in the classroom observation of this study
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7: Results Part Two- Findings regarding Policy and School Practice
7.1 Chapter overview
7.2 Findings from policy documents