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图书来源: 浙江图书馆(由浙江新华配书)
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21世纪以来,伊甸的创造力呈集束爆发状态。《存在之诗》《自然之诗》《人之诗》等专题型诗集,以哲人深度思考的漾荡和俗世多样情趣的河港形态,曲折多姿地呈现了土地、人性、自然和存在的诗性观照,较好地丰富了他的个人话语和江南诗学谱系。 《运河上的时间》,是一部虽属急就却因积累丰厚而呈多声部交响的优秀之作。
运河与人 The Canal and Men
运河与我 The Canal and I
运河与祖父 The Canal and My Grandfather
运河与父亲 The Canal and My Father
运河与孩子 The Canal and Children
运河与阳光 The Canal and Sunshine
运河与雨 The Canal and Rain
运河与微风 The Canal and Breeze
运河与狂风 The Canal and the Gale
运河与雪 The Canal and Snow
运河与女人The Canal and Women
运河与男人 The Canal and Men
运河上空的鸟 Birds over the Canal
运河上空的蜻蜓 The Dragonfly over the Canal
运河上空的白云 The White Cloud over the Canal
运河上空的乌云 The Dark Cloud over the Canal
运河上空的蓝天 The Blue Sky over the Canal
运河上空的星星 Stars over the Canal
运河上空的闪电 The Lighting over the Canal
运河上空的火烧云 The Flaming Cloud over the Canal
运河与泪水 The Canal and Tears
运河与诗人 The Canal and Poet
运河与纤夫 The Canal and Boat Trackers
运河的声音Sound of the Canal
运河的色彩 Colors of the Canal
运河的欢乐 Joy of the Canal
运河的早晨 Moming of the Canal
运河的正午 Noon of the Canal
运河的黄昏 Evening of the Canal
运河的月夜 Moon Night of the Canal
运河的一滴水 A Drop of Water from the Canal
运河的春天 Spring of the Canal
运河的夏天 Summer of the Canal
运河的秋天Autumn of the Canal
运河的冬天 Winter of the Canal
运河的秘密 Secrets of the Canal
运河的倒影 Invented Images in the Canal
运河上空的炊烟 Smoke from Kitchen Chimney over the Canal
运河与信 The Canal and Letters
运河上空的风筝 Kite over the Canal
运河上空的麻雀 Sparrow over the Canal
运河上的灯光 Lamplight over the Canal
运河上的萤火虫 Firefly over the Canal
运河上的古石桥 Ancient Stone Bridge over the Canal
运河上的帆 Sail on the Canal
运河上的时间 Time on the Canal
运河里的鱼 Fish in the Canal
运河里的蛤蟆 Toad in the Canal
运河里的落叶 Fallen leaf in the Canal
运河里的青蛙 Frog in the Canal
运河里的石头 Stones in the Canal
运河里的冰Ice in the Canal
运河里的农船 Agricultural Vessel in the Canal
运河里的光影 Shadow in the Canal
运河里的轮船 The Ship in the Canal
运河边的老人 Old Man by the Canal
运河边的水车 Waterwbeel by the Canal
运河与黄牛 The Canal and the Yellow Buffalo
运河边的钓鱼人 Fisherman by the Canal
运河里的碎陶片Pottery Shard in the Canal
运河边的柳树 Willow by the Canal
运河边的过客 Passerby by the Canal
运河边的凉亭 Pavilion by the Canal
运河边的农田 Cropland by the Canal
运河边的青草 Green Grasses by the Canal
运河边的笑声 Laughter by the Canal
运河边的哭泣者 Weepers by the Canal
运河边的码头 Wharf by the Canal
运河边的树林Forest by the Canal
运河边的村庄 Village by the Canal
运河边的城市City by the Canal
运河边的怀念 Memory by the Canal
运河边的沉思 Meditation by the Canal
运河边的忧伤 Sorrow by the Canal
凝视运河 Gaze at the Canal
问运河 Ask the Canal
追赶运河 Chase the Canal
面对运河Face the Canal
陪伴运河Accompany the Canal
在运河里照见自己See Myself in the Canal
运河转弯的地方 Where the Canal Swerves
在运河里游泳 Swimming in the Canal
在运河上做梦 Dreaming on the Canal
为运河祈祷 Praying for the Canal
和运河说话 Talking with the Canal
万物都高过运河 All Things Are Higher than the Canal
从运河中升起的雾 The Fog Rising from the Canal
在运河边 By the Canal
让运河通过我的伤口进入我的灵魂 Let the Canal Enter My Soul through My Wound
关于运河的几个比喻 Some Metaphors of the Canal
一颗露珠目不转睛地看着运河 A Dewdrop Is Attentively Staring at the Canal
运河在呼唤我 The Canal lis Calling Me
运河……运河…… The Canal,the Canal
告别运河 Farewell to the Canal
怀念运河 Remember the Canal
后记 运河往事 Postscript:The Past between the Canal and Me

