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本书为听说教程第一册的学生用书。全书共十六个单元,设八个话题。十六个单元后提供两套综合试题。书末附录提供课外听力训练的音带原文及练习答案。 每单元设A、B、C、D四个部分: Part A Micro-listening微技能训练 这部分提供两个练习,旨在帮助学生1)获取重要的交际能力,2)掌握多种听力技能。此外,为了增加趣味性,我们还选编了一些与听力材料有关的谚语、名人名言以及易唱易学、悦耳动听的歌曲。 Part B Macro-listening语篇训练这部分提供两篇听力材料。练习形式力求新颖与多样化,注重培养学生整体理解能力。 Part C Oral Practice口语训练 这部分的口语活动主要围绕课丈内容及各种交际功能展开。练习形式由浅入深,有利于启发学生开口。每逢双课提供与课文话题有关的交际功能及其常用语言表达方式,通过练习使学生学到如何得体地进行日常对话。 Part D Home Listening课外听力训练 提供一篇与课文同一话题的听力材料及练习,供学生课外自学。
UNIT 1 Meet People(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Greetings
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 Hey, This Is My Table
Conversation 2 Is# OK lf l Sit Here?
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART O Home Listening
A Conversation May I Know Your Name?
UNIT 2 Meet People(Ⅱ)
PART A Micro-listening Introductions
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 Maggie Meets an Old Friend
Conversation 2 Windy, Isn't It?
PART C Oral Practice
1. Communicative Function: Greetings and Introduc-tions
2. Pair Work: Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Story Old Friends Meet
UNIT 3 Study(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Loss of Plosion
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 I'm Always Nervous in Class
Conversation 2 How Many Languages Do You Speak?
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Conversation Mr Li Meets a Student
UNIT 4 Study(Ⅱ)
PART A Micro-listening Liaison
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 The New Semester
Conversation 2 Good Morning, Cindy.t
PART C Oral Practice
l. Communicative Function: Talking About Study with Classmates and Teachers
2. Pair Work: Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Conversation What Are You Majoring in ?
UNIT 5 Apologies(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Apologies
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 This Isn't the First Time
Conversation 2 Is There a Problem?
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Conversation Oh, No, I'm Sorry
UNIT 6 Apologies(Ⅱ)
PART A Micro-listening Listening for Details
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 It Wasn't My Fault
Conversation 2 What Was the Address You Used?
PART C Oral Practice
1. Communicative Function: Making Apologies
2. Pair Work: Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART O Home Listening
AConversation I Can't Stand It
UNIT 7 Asking the Way(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Location
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 Where Is the Grand Theater?
Conversation 2 Excuse Me, l'm Looking for
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Conversation l'm a Stranger Here
UNIT 8 Asking the way(Ⅱ)
PART A Micro-listening Directions
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 l'm Looking for the Snake Bar
Conversation 2 Let's Go to the Korean Restaurant
PART C Oral Practice
1. Communicative Function: Giving andAsking for Directions
2. Pair Work: Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Dictation
UNIT 9 Daily Activities(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Time
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 Hey, Sandra!
Conversation 2 I'm Going for a Walk
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART O Home Listening
A Passage Billy's Daily Routine
UNIT 10 Daily Activities(Ⅱ)
PART A Micro-listening Incomplete Plosion and Liaison
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 What Time Do You Leave for Work?
Conversation 2 The Telephone Is Ringing
PART C Oral Practice
1. Communicative Function: Describing Daily Activities
2. Pair Work: Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening
A Passage How Steve Spends His Early Morning Hours
UNIT 11 Dining Out(Ⅰ)
PART A Micro-listening Classification
PART B Macro-listening
Conversation 1 What Should We Order?
Conversation 2 Are You Ready to Order?
PART C Oral Practice
Pair Work
1. Making Appropriate Responses
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
PART D Home Listening

