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目 录



1.绪 论..1

1.1 开发区诞生的背景与功能分类  3

1.1.1 国(境)外开发区的诞生  3

1.1.2 我国开发区的诞生  4

1.1.3 开发区的功能与分类  6

1.2 开发区的建设发展  8

1.2.1 开发区的发展历程  8

1.2.2 开发区的发展规模  11

1.2.3 开发区的产业发展特点  13

2.开发区的法治建设综述 17

2.1 国(境)外开发区的管理规制  19

2.1.1 国(境)外开发区管理体制  19

2.1.2 国(境)外开发区法规示例  21

2.2 我国开发区的法治建设演进  22

2.2.1 我国开发区的管理模式  23

2.2.2 我国开发区的法治建设历程  24

2.3 开发区法治建设与产业协同发展  33

2.3.1 法治建设对开发区产业发展的保障  33

2.3.2 开发区产业发展对法治建设的促动  35

3.开发区的发展与法治建设实践  39

3.1 深圳经济特区  41

3.1.1 开发区产业发展现状  41

3.1.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  45

3.2 上海自由贸易试验区  51

3.2.1 开发区产业发展现状  52

3.2.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  54

3.3 苏州工业园区  57

3.3.1 开发区产业发展现状  57

3.3.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  58

3.4 广州开发区  61

3.4.1 开发区产业发展现状  61

3.4.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  62

3.5 天津经济技术开发区  65

3.5.1 开发区产业发展现状  65

3.5.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  66

3.6 北京经济技术开发区  72

3.6.1 开发区产业发展现状  72

3.6.2 法治建设与产业发展的互动作用  74

4.相关产业发展与法治建设实践  81

4.1 电子信息产业  83

4.1.1 电子信息产业发展现状分析  83

4.1.2 电子信息产业相关法规政策分析  85

4.2 生物医药产业  91

4.2.1 生物医药产业发展现状分析  92

4.2.2 生物医药产业相关法规政策分析  94

4.3 新能源产业  99

4.3.1 新能源产业发展现状分析  100

4.3.2 新能源产业相关法规政策分析  102

4.4 装备制造业  107

4.4.1 装备制造业产业发展现状分析  107

4.4.2 装备制造业产业相关法规政策分析  110

4.5 航空航天产业  115

4.5.1 航空航天产业发展现状分析  116

4.5.2 航空航天产业相关法规政策分析  117

4.6 文化创意产业  122

4.6.1 文化创意产业发展现状分析  123

4.6.2 文化创意产业相关法规政策分析  125

5.开发区企业公共法律服务实践  133

5.1 公共法律服务体系建设背景  135

5.2 企业公共法律服务基本情况  136

5.2.1 构建企业公共法律服务体系的必要性  136

5.2.2 现阶段企业公共法律服务面临的问题  138

5.3 企业公共法律服务需求与实践探索  139

5.3.1 企业公共法律服务需求调研分析  139

5.3.2 企业公共法律服务的创新实践  150

6.开发区法治建设体系的构建  153

6.1 宏观:构建国家层面的开发区法治体系  155

6.1.1 出台国家层面促进开发区发展的法律势在必行  155

6.1.2 国家级开发区立法需解决的关键问题  156

6.2 中观:完善开发区及产业发展的法律法规  159

6.2.1 促进高新技术产业发展立法  159

6.2.2 依法促进各级各类开发区的协同发展  161

6.3 微观:提升企业公共法律服务水平  161

6.3.1 企业公共法律服务体系建设的内容  162

6.3.2 构建企业公共法律服务体系的相关建议  164

结 语  167

参考文献  169


1 Introduction  1

1.1 The Background and Functional Classification of the Development Zones  3

1.1.1 The Emerging of Overseas Development Zones  3 

1.1.2 The Emerging of the Development Zones in China  4 

1.1.3 The Function and Classification of Development Zones  6 

1.2 The Construction and Development of Development Zones  8 

1.2.1 The Development Progress of Development Zones  8 

1.2.2 The Development Scale of Development Zones  11 

1.2.3 Features of the Industrial Development in Development Zones  13 

2 Overview of the Legal Construction of the Development Zones  17 

2.1 The Administration Rules and Systems of Overseas Development Zones  19 

2.1.1 The Administration System of Overseas Development Zones  19 

2.1.2 Examples of Law of Overseas Development Zones  21 

2.2 The Evolution of the Legal Construction of the Development Zones in China  22 

2.2.1 The Administration Modes of the Development Zone in China  23 

2.2.2 The Legal Construction Process of the Development Zones in China  24 

2.3 The Legal Construction and Coordinated Industrial Development of Development Zones  33 

2.3.1 The Safeguard of Industrial Development by Legal Construction  33 

2.3.2 The Favorable Effect of Industrial Development to Legal Construction  35

3 The Development and Legal Construction Practice of Development Zones  39 

3.1 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone  41 

3.1.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  41 

3.1.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  45 

3.2 Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone  51 

3.2.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  52 

3.2.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  54 

3.3 Suzhou Industrial Park  57 

3.3.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  57 

3.3.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  58 

3.4 Guangzhou Development Zone  61 

3.4.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  61 

3.4.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  62 

3.5 Tianjin Economic-technological Development Area  65 

3.5.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  65 

3.5.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  66 

3.6 Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area  72 

3.6.1 Industrial Development Status of the Development Zone  72 

3.6.2 Interactive Effect of Legal Construction and Industrial Development  74

4 The Relaeted Industrial Development and Legal Construction Practice  81 

4.1 The Electronic Information Industry  83 

4.1.1 The Development Status Analysis of the Electronic Information Industry  83 

4.1.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the Electronic Information Industry  85 

4.2 The Biopharmaceutical Industry  91 

4.2.1 The Development Status Analysis of the Biopharmaceutical Industry  92 

4.2.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the Biopharmaceutical Industry  94

4.3 The New Energy Industry  99 

4.3.1 The Development Status Analysis of the New Energy Industry  100 

4.3.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the New Energy Industry  102 

4.4 The Equipment Manufacturing Industry  107 

4.4.1 The Development Status Analysis of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry  107 

4.4.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry  110 

4.5 The Aerospace Industry  115 

4.5.1 The Development Status Analysis of the Aerospace Industry  116 

4.5.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the Aerospace Industry  117 

4.6 The Cultural and Creative Industry  122 

4.6.1 The Development Status Analysis of the Cultural and Creative Industry  123 

4.6.2 The Regulations and Policy Analysis of the Cultural and Creative Industry  125

5 Corporate Public Legal Service Practice of Development Zones  133 

5.1 The Background of the Public Legal Service System Construction  135 

5.2 The Basic Information of the Corporate Public Legal Service  136 

5.2.1 The Necessity of Establishing the Corporate Public Legal Service System  136 

5.2.2 Current Issues Faced by China Corporate Public Legal Service  138 

5.3 Needs and Practical Exploration of Corporate Public Legal Service  139 

5.3.1 Demand Investigation Analysis of Corporate Public Legal Service  139 

5.3.2 Innovative Practices of Corporate Public Legal Service  150 

6 Legal Construction System Establishment of Development Zones  153 

6.1 Macro-level: Establish A State-level Development Zones Legal System


6.1.1 It Is Imperative to Promulgate a State-level Law that Facilitating the Development of the Development zones  155 

6.1.2 Key Issues to be Solved on the State-level Legislation of Development Zones  156 

6.2 Medium-level: Perfect the Rules and Regulations of the Development Zones and Industrial Development  159

6.2.1 Drive the Legislation of High and New Technology Industry Development  159 

6.2.2 Drive the Coordinated Development of All-level and All-type Development Zone in Accordance with the Law  161 

6.3 Micro-level: Enhance the Corporate Public Legal Service  161 

6.3.1 Content of the Corporate Public Legal Service System Construction  162 

6.3.2 Suggestions on the Establishment of the Corporate Public Legal Service System  164

Conclusion  167 

Bibliography  169


