Global warming and sea-level rise are further continuing as shown by observations and analysis results. The global mean temperature for 2021 was 1.11℃±0.13℃above the pre-industrial baseline (1850-1900 average), the most recent seven years (2015-2021) were the seven warmest years on record; the global ocean heat content (OHC) for 2021 had reached its highest value; the global mean sea level had reached the highest level on satellite record; the Arctic sea ice extent in September reduced to its twelfth-lowest value since 1979; the global open ocean surface pH had declined signi.cantly from 1985 to 2020 at the rate of about 0.016 per decade.
During 1980-2021, the sea-surface temperature (SST) along the China coast exhibited an increasing trend, and the warming accelerated signi.cantly after 2011 and it has been well above normal for seven consecutive years since 2015. In 2021, the average SST along the China coast was 0.73℃ higher than normal (1991-2020 is used as the climate reference period in this book), ranking the third since 1980. The period of 1980-2021 witnessed a signi.cantly decreased sea surface salinity (SSS) in China's coastal areas at the rate of about 0.12 per decade.
During 1980-2021, the sea level along the China coast showed a .uctuating upward trend with a rate of 3.4 mm/a. In 2021, the sea level along the China coast was 84 mm higher than the 1993-2011 average, reaching the highest level since 1980. Both of the mean higher high tide level and lower low tide level along the China coast were generally on the rise, as well as the mean great tidal range with obvious regional characteristics. The largest rates of mean higher high tide level and mean great tidal range both occurred at the Hangzhou Bay coast, with the rates of 12.3 mm/a and 14.0 mm/a, respectively.
In recent decades, the long-term trends of extreme wave height along the China coast had regional characteristics, with a downward trend found along the Bohai Sea coast and a slight upward trend found along the coast of East China Sea (ECS) to northern South China Sea (SCS). During 2010-2021, the annual mean wave heights in 2021 and 2010 over China offshore reached the highest and lowest level, respectively.
From 1963/1964 to 2021/2022, both the annual sea ice period and sea ice cover of Bohai Sea stations showed .uctuating downward trends.
From 1980 to 2021, the surface pH of China's nearshore areas showed a .uctuating downward trend, with an annual average decrease of 0.0018 pH units. In 2021, oceansurfaceacidi.cation was moreevidentin thenearshorewaters fromthe Chang Jiang Estuary to the Qiantang Estuary. The dissolved oxygen in the adjacent waters of the Chang Jiang Estuaryregisterednosigni.cantacidi.cationtrendinthe summers of 2005-2021. In the summer of 2021, the lowest dissolved oxygen content in the bottom layer of the Chang Jiang Estuary was 1.30 mg/L, and there was low oxygen in the Chang Jiang Estuary.
During 1980-2021, surface air temperature (SAT) along the China coast exhibited a significantly increasing trend, with the fastest warming found along the coas