第一篇 海洋碳增汇关键过程与理论创新
Part Ⅰ Key Processes and Theoretical Innovations in Ocean Carbon Sequestration
A global assessment of the mixed layer in coastal sediments and implications for carbon storage
Threat by marine heatwaves to adaptive large marine ecosystems in an eddy-resolving model
Differential mobilization and sequestration of sedimentary black carbon in the East China Sea
Persistently high efficiencies of terrestrial organic carbon burial in Chinese marginal sea sediments over the last 200 years
第二篇 非碳能源替代方案与关键技术
Part Ⅱ Emission-free Energy Solutions and Key Technologies
Semitransparent polymer solar cell/triboelectric nanogenerator hybrid systems: Synergistic
solar and raindrop energy conversion for window-integrated applications
Experimental investigation of a novel OWC wave energy converter
Numerical investigation of spudcan penetration under partially drained conditions
Comparative study on metaheuristic algorithms for optimizing wave energy converters
第三篇 海洋碳增汇应用典型示范与推广
Part Ⅲ Typical Demonstrations and Promotion of Implemented Ocean Carbon Sequestration
Optimization of aquaculture sustainability through ecological intensification in China
Weakened fertilization impact of anthropogenic aerosols on marine phytoplankton- a comparative analysis of dust and haze particles
Effect of anthropogenic aerosol addition on phytoplankton growth in coastal waters: Role of enhanced phosphorus bioavailability
A low-cost in-situ CO- sensor based on a membrane and NDIR for long-term measurement in seawater
第四篇 海洋碳交易市场标准与气候变化评估
Part IV Standardization of Ocean Carbon Trading and Climate Change Assessment
Examining the social pressures on voluntary CSR reporting: The roles of interlocking directors
Carbon emission intensity and biased technical change in China's different regions: A novel multidimensional decomposition approach
Green finance and high-quality development of marine economy
Global trends and prospects of blue carbon sinks: A bibliometric analysis