The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the effects of the dynamic motivational model on college students' motivation toward English as a foreign language, students' language learning, and the academic achievements of students of the high, medium and low English levels in a heterogeneous class. Lasting one semester, the quasi-experimental teaching program began from September, 2020 and extended to January, 2021. The participants involved in this study consisted of 142 non-English majors from a provincial key university in China. The experimental group included 72 participants, who were treated with the dynamic motivational teaching model, and the control group contained 73 participants, who were taught with the traditional teaching method. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in this research to achieve methodological triangulation. The quantitative study contained motivational questionnaires, two oral tests and two written tests, and the qualitative data included students' twice self-reports. Descriptive Analysis, Independent Samples Test and Paired Samples Test were utilized to make between- and within-group comparison and see if there were significant differences between the two groups.