Contents for Statistical Tools
Contents for Applications
1. Introduction
Wire J. van der Linden
Section Ⅰ Dichotomous Models
2. Unidimensional Logistic Response Models
Wire J. van der Linden
3. Rasch Model
Matthias von Davier
Section Ⅱ Nominal and Ordinal Models
4. Nominal Categories Models
David Thissen and Li Cai
5. Rasch Rating-Scale Model
David Andrich
6. Graded Response Models
Fumiko Samejima
7. Partial Credit Model
Geoff N. Masters
8. Generalized Partial Credit Model
Eiji Muraki and Mari Muraki
9. Sequential Models for Ordered Responses
Gerhard Tutz
10. Models for Continuous Responses
Gideon J. Mellenbergh
Section Ⅲ Multidimensional and Multicomponent Models
11. Normal-Ogive Multidimensional Models
Hariharan Swaminathan and H. Jane Rogers
12. Logistic Multidimensional Models
Mark D. Reckase
13. Linear Logistic Models
Rianne Janssen
14. Multicomponent Models
Susan E. Embretson
Section Ⅳ Models for Response Times
15. Poisson and Gamma Models for Reading Speed and Error
Margo G. H. Jansen
16. Lognormal Response-Time Model
Wire J. van der Linden
17. Diffusion-Based Response-Time Models
Francis Tuerlinckx, Dylan Molenaar, and Han L. J. van der Maas
Section Ⅴ Nonparametric Models
18. Mokken Models
Klaas Sijtsma and Ivo W. Molenaar
19. Bayesian Nonparametric Response Models
George Karabatsos
20. Functional Approaches to Modeling Response Data
James O. Ramsay
Section Ⅵ Models for Nonmonotone Items
21. Hyperbolic Cosine Model for Unfolding Responses
David Andrich
22. Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
James S. Roberts
Section Ⅶ Hierarchical Response Models
23. Logistic Mixture-Distribution Response Models
Matthias yon Davier and fiirgen Rost
24. Multilevel Response Models with Covariates and Multiple Groups
Jean-Paul Fox and Cees A. W. Glas
25. Two-Tier Item Factor Analysis Modeling
Li Cai
26. Item-Family Models
Cees A. W. Glas, Wim J. van der Linden, and Hanneke Geerlings
27. Hierarchical Rater Models
Jodi M. Casabianca, Brian IV. Junker, and Richard J. Patz
28. Randomized Response Models for Sensitive Measurements
Jean-Paul Fox
29. Joint Hierarchical Modeling of Responses and Response Times
Wire J. van der Linden and Jean-Paul Fox
Section Ⅷ Generalized Modeling Approaches
30. Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Modeling
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal
31. Multidimensional, Multilevel, and Multi-Timepoint Item Response
Bengt Muthen and Tihomir Asparouhov
32. Mixed-Coefficients Multinomial Logit Models
Raymond J. Adams, Mark R. Wilson, and Margaret L. Wu
33. Explanatory Response Models
Paul De Boeck and Mark R. Wilson