39 凡•高 Van Gogh
Paul: Poor old Vincent was a tragic figure during his lifetime, but he’s emerged as virtually, an immortal of the art world of today.
Tony: A person who died at the age of 37 could hardly be described as old, but you are right about his fame in our time.
Paul: For those short years of his life he was a most prolific and versatile artist.
Tony: But never one that was understood, or appreciated, in his lifetime.
Paul: I guess that is understandable because, his art was such a radical new way of painting, and his technique and colours, were so different from anything that came before.
Tony: Actually, many of his earlier paintings were quite traditional and very somber in their brown colour and painting style.
Paul: Although van Gogh travelled quite a bit around Holland, and to England and France, it was the two years he spent in Paris that seemed to have influenced him the most.
Tony: His brother, Theo, had an Art Gallery in Paris, and that gave Vincent access to Parisian artists.
Paul: And coming into close contact with the likes of Toulouse Lautrec and Gauguin, certainly shows.
Tony: Van Gogh painted some 200 painting during his stay in Paris, but it is the paintings in the last three years of his life for which he is now so famous.
Paul: All told, he’s attributed with more than 2,000 artworks, including some 860 oil paintings and 1300 watercolours.
Tony: Even his sketches and prints fetch a high price today, but what is so remarkable is that so many of his works have survived, despite the poor recognition it received in his lifetime.
Paul: What I find puzzling is why van Gogh shot himself at such a relatively young age.
Tony: That’s quite a strange series of events in actual fact, as no gun was ever found, and he eventually died of infection rather than from the gunshot wound.
Paul: But he did have a long history of mental problems, poor health, over indulgence in smoking and alcohol, not to mention many rejections in his social life.
Tony: Yes, I guess that could mount up to the point of wanting to end it all.
virtually 实际上,几乎
somber 暗淡的
access to 接近,进入
oil painting 油画
watercolour 水彩画
all told 总共
78 美剧US TV Series
Teresa: Did you catch last night’s episode of The Vampire Diaries? It was so amazing. I just love that show!
Mike: Actually, I’m not really that much into sci-fi... I have heard of the series, but never watched it. Last night I was busy watching Prison Break. I am much more interested in action... Plus, I think it’s funny.
Teresa: Funny? Really? A bunch of guys trying to break out of prison? I thought it was more dramatic than funny... But whatever floats your boat.
Mike: You’re right, it’s more of a drama, but sometimes it can be funny. It’s about this guy who is innocent, but serving time for a crime he didn’t commit, and his brother tries to help him break out of prison. It’s pretty good... actually quite popular. And it’s received many awards, like the 2006 People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. It was also nominated for the 2005 Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series Drama.
Teresa: Maybe I’ll try to catch it on TV sometime. I can stand to watch a little drama now and then. But I’ll tell you one kind of show that drives me nuts...
Mike: What’s that?
Teresa: Reality TV. There are so many reality shows these days it’s crazy. X Factor, Jersey Shore, The Osbornes, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Dancing With the Stars, American Idol...
Mike: Hey, I like watching American Idol! Some of the constestants are very talented!
Teresa: Maybe so, but putting people on the spot with all these high pressure contests for entertainment seems kind of cruel. And the ones that aren’t competitions, well.... To me they seem really fake. The idea of a reality show is that the people and situations are real, not scripted. But everyone knows that the participants are told what to say and how to act... Everything is set up for the camera.
Mike: You know which reality show I like? The Bachelor.
Teresa: That one is the worst! I can’t believe that all those women would sell themselves out just to become famous... And a marriage based on cheap TV gimmicks can’t last very long.
Mike: Not a match made in heaven? Well, I guess TV is all about dreaming anyway.
迈克:事实上,我对科幻小说并不怎么感兴趣……我听说过那部连续剧,不过从来没有看过。昨天晚上,我忙着看《越狱》呢。我更喜欢动作片…… 而且我觉得《越狱》很有意思。
特雷莎:有意思?真的吗?是一群人尝试越狱吗?我觉得与其说它有意思,不如说它具有戏剧性…… 不过看你的喜好吧。
特雷莎:或许是吧,不过让人现场参加所有这些压力很大的比赛去娱乐别人,这看起来挺残忍的。还有那些不是比赛的真人秀,哦…… 在我看来,它们看起来都很假。真人秀的概念是人物真实、情景真实,而不是按照稿件进行的。不过大家都知道,参与者都被告知要说这个或演那个…… 一切都为镜头服务。
sci-fi science fiction的简写,科幻小说
whatever floats your boat 随便你,随你心意吧
drives sb. nuts 使某人发疯
Reality TV 真人秀电视节目
scripted 照稿件进行的
gimmick 暗机关,骗局,鬼把戏
01 圣诞节 Christmas / 2
02 复活节 Easter / 5
03 万圣夜 Halloween / 8
04 感恩节 Thanksgiving / 11
05 威尼斯狂欢节 Carnival of Venice / 14
06 里约热内卢狂欢节 Rio Carnival / 17
07 日本樱花节 Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festivals / 20
Mythologies and Religions
08《圣经》 Bible / 24
09 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem / 27
10 耶稣 Jesus / 30
11 希腊和罗马神话 Greek and Roman Mythology / 33
12 印度教 Hinduism / 36
13 佛教 Buddhism / 39
14 伊斯兰教 Islam / 42
15 荷马史诗 Homer’s Epics / 46
16 莎士比亚 Shakespeare / 49
17 歌德 Goethe / 52
18 格林童话 Grimm’s Fairy Tales / 55
19 雨果 Hugo / 58
20 托尔斯泰 Tolstoy / 61
21 堂吉诃德 Don Quixote / 64
22 海明威 Hemingway / 67
23 爱尔兰文学 Irish Literature / 70
Famous Buildings
24 埃及金字塔 The Pyramids / 74
25 中国长城 The Great Wall / 77
26 雅典卫城 Acropolis of Athens / 80
27 罗马竞技场 The Coliseum / 83
28 圣彼得大教堂 St. Peter’s Basilica / 86
29 纽约自由女神像 The Statue of Liberty / 89
30 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔 The Eiffel Tower / 92
31 莫斯科红场 The Red Square / 95
Music and Art
32 巴赫 Bach / 100
33 莫扎特 Mozart / 103
34 贝多芬 Beethoven / 106
35 歌剧 Opera / 109
36 列奥纳多•达•芬奇 Leonardo da Vinci / 112
37 伦勃朗 Rembrandt / 115
38 印象派绘画 Impressionism / 118
39 凡•高 Van Gogh / 121
40 毕加索 Picasso / 124
Famous People
41 孔子 Confucius / 128
42 圣女贞德 Joan of Arc / 131
43 拿破仑 Napoléon / 134
44 林肯 Lincoln / 137
45 丘吉尔 Churchill / 140
46 甘地 Gandhi / 143
47 曼德拉 Mandela / 146
48 切•格瓦拉 Che Guevara / 149
49 圣乔治 St. George / 154
50 英国王室 The Royal Family / 157
51 不列颠博物馆 The British Museum / 160
52 英式下午茶 Afternoon Tea / 163
53 天气 The Weather / 166
54 大本钟 Big Ben / 169
55 英式足球 Football / 172
56 歇洛克•福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes / 175
57 披头士乐队 The Beatles / 178
58 英剧 UK TV Series / 181
59 巴黎卢浮宫 The Louvre Museum in Paris / 186
60 维也纳美泉宫 The Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna / 189
61 法国康康舞 French Cancan / 192
62 法国香槟酒 French Champagne / 195
63 法国香水 French Perfume / 198
64 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam / 201
65 荷兰郁金香 Dutch Tulip / 204
66 荷兰风车 Dutch Windmill / 207
67 意大利比萨饼 Italian Pizza / 210
68 西班牙斗牛 Spanish Bullfighting / 213
69 弗拉明柯舞 Flamenco Dance / 216
70 爱尔兰酒馆 Irish Pubs / 219
71 爱尔兰音乐和舞蹈 Irish Music and Dance / 222
72 德国汽车 German Cars / 225
73 美国总统大选 American Presidential Election / 230
74 大都会艺术博物馆 The Metropolitan Museum of Art / 233
75 常春藤盟校 The Ivy League / 236
76 美国国家公园 American National Parks / 239
77 好莱坞 Hollywood / 242
78 美剧 US TV Series / 245
79 乌鸦精灵 Spirit of Raven / 248
80 玛雅文明 Mayan Culture / 251
81 亚马孙河 The Amazon / 254
82 足球与桑巴 Football and Samba / 257
83 古巴雪茄 Cuban Cigars / 260
84 悉尼歌剧院 The Sydney Opera House / 263
85 原住民 Aborigines / 264
86 袋鼠 Kangaroos / 270
87 新西兰风景 New Zealand Scene / 273
88 部落文化 Tribal Cultures / 276
89 尼罗河 The Nile / 280
90 埃及法老 Pharaohs / 283
91 南非钻石 SA Diamonds / 286
92 龙 Dragons / 290
93 生肖 Chinese Zodiac / 293
94 功夫 Kung Fu / 296
95 恒河 The Ganges / 299
96 圣牛 Sacred Cows / 302
97 宝莱坞 Bollywood / 305
98 艺伎 Geisha / 308
99 和服 Kimono / 311
100 动画片 Animated Movies / 314
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