I always get the children to write their names on my notebook when I took photos for them. I then gave them a photo from my polaroid as a present. 100 polaroid photos every trip, to 100 lovely people that I met.
I reflect on my life after each trip. To think how do I cope with different situations. To learn how to be enlightened when things are difficult. To look for a balance between dreams and realities. To take action on present and future plans.
I remember a writer called Luomei Bai said, every new encounter in the world is a reunion of some sort.
How many people do we every get to reunion in our entire life?
行走在尘世间,那些与我们擦肩而过行匆忙的路人,那些与我们缘分交织的朋友,那些给过我们无限温暖和帮助的陌生人…让人感叹生命的神奇之处。 我至此深信,这些人,一定不是无缘无故的闯入我们的生活,而是一种命中注定的缘起缘落。看似轻描淡写,实际上因果相连。
When we travel, those people who pass by, friends who we meet, strangers who give us help, all make me feel the magical side of the world. Those people did not just bump into my life for no reason, they were meant to be.
This then becomes an important part of travelling. We make a lot of friends despite different nationalities, languages and religions.
To encounter, farewell, meet and reunion is like an eternal cycle. A cycle that comes with happiness and sadness. We should always keep and appreciate these beautiful memories.
Finally, I would like to refer to a quote by a Japanese animator and film producer, Hayo Miyazaki,
Life is like a train to the grave, there are many stops along the way, it’s quite difficult to get someone who could complete the entire journey with you. When people get off the train, no matter how reluctant you are, you should still feel grateful, then wave your hand and say goodbye.