SZ: Well, I can point out a project that wevedone. Its a museum project in Vienna. It isan existing space that was originally in theOrangerie [in the Belvedere] and we were askedto build a white cube into it. It [could be madeinto] a perfect exhibition space by blocking thewindows that are a big [feature for] the originaluse. We looked at the space and we figured thatmaking the eyes of the building blank [would]not really be what we are looking for, so wedecided to offset the exhibition hall and tocreate an interstitial space between the existingfacade and the hall. What happens in between[these walls] is actually what we are talkingabout. If you look at the model over there, yousee this condition. [In the museum project] itsmore in section, and this [installation] would beagainst the wall.