成就感sense of achievement
0ne won't feel a sense of achievement unless he has worked hard and overcome many obstacles.
成品油定价机制oil product pricing system;fuel pricing scheme;fuel pricing mechanism
China on Tuesday launched a more market—oriented oil product pricing system to better reflect costs and adapt to fluctuations in global oil prices.
诚信企业high—integrity enterprise;enterprise of high—integrity
城际高铁intercity high—speed rail
The intercity high—speed rail line connecting Nanchang and Jiujiang in East China's Jiangxi province began operation on Monday,as part of the lon9·term plan of the railway network in China.The new train service will cover the l 35一km journey in 45 minutes.
城际列车intercity train
Beijing's first intercity trains are up and running.
城市病urban disease
Big cities in China are on the brink of a maj or shortfall in resources and infrastructure capacity,under a problem termed“urban diseases”,a new report has warned.
城市低保对象urban residents entitled to basic living allowances
城市规划urban planning